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Each sport has different demands for duration of activity, recovery time and movement requirements. Sport-specific drills and conditioning that address these demands allow the athlete to practice, and in turn, improve his or her response to these demands. We address these demands and train our atheletes  to achieve results.

Power Trainer is a multifaceted resistance band training system that improves agility, strength and speed of an athlete. It provides resistance in different planes while in motion to develop power in every stride.


Sport Specific Training

Core Strength

Core Strength is power gained through balance and coordination. The power of your stroke derive from the strength of your core. Proper training provides overall balance and prevents injury.We train our atheletes using functional training exercises and drills to promote power, balance and flexibility.


Speed & Agility

Speed and Agility are interrelated in movement. Tennis requires quickness and explosive movements when contacting the ball.Developing speed is necessary for a good tennis player to make the proper contact with the ball. While Agility is the ability to maintain balance as you move and change directions during a match.Our program is developed to create a progression to maximize your "quickness" ability using the proper techniques and components.


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